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September 21, 2021 2025-02-21 17:32Baptism
Baptism sign-up form below
The Sacrament of Baptism
“Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit (vitae spiritualis ianua), and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: “Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word.”
CCC 1213
Baptism in the Catholic Church is not just a symbolic action but confers grace to the one being baptized. Through Baptism, we are born into a new spiritual life in which we become the adopted children of God. Jesus intended it to be an integral and necessary part of being one of his followers. As John’s gospel describes it, “Jesus answered [Nicodemus], ‘Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.’ After this [conversation] Jesus and his disciples went into the land of Judea; there he remained with them and baptized” (John 3:5, 22).
Baptism is the sacrament that opens our soul to the flow of God’s infinite love for us. It washes away our sins, grants us new life in Christ, and joins us to the Mystical Body of Christ. With Confirmation and the Eucharist, Baptism is one of the sacraments of initiation. These three lay the foundation of our Christian lives. Any physical life involves birth, growth, and nourishment. Our spiritual life involves the same: birth (Baptism), growth (Confirmation), and nourishment (Eucharist).
Infant Baptism (birth to Age 6)
Baptism is a visible sign of God’s work and presence in your child’s life and a child’s entry into membership of the Church; a life-long journey of faith.
It is in the context of the family that we first learn who God is and to prayerfully seek His will for us. Parents of infants and small children are their child’s first teachers of faith. As Pope Francis stated, “How precious is the family as the privileged place for transmitting the faith!”
Parents are required to prepare for their child’s baptism by attending a baptismal preparation class prior to the baptism of their child. Parents who are parishioners and would like to have their child baptized should complete the form below or if you have questions call the administrative assistant in the Office of Faith Formation at 410-822-6581 or email her at [email protected].
Baptism for Adults and Children Over the Age of 7
The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA)
There are many things that lead individuals to the Catholic Church: a visit to a Catholic Church; attending a Catholic wedding, baptism or funeral; a conversation with a Catholic friend or coworker. Many people reach a point where they find themselves asking questions about life’s meaning, world issues and their own direction. Some individuals are seeking a richer spiritual life.
Adults and children (Adapted for Children) are invited to explore membership in the Roman Catholic Church. The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults and Adapted for Children is a process of inquiry, learning and sharing. Most importantly it is a journey of faith.
OCIA is designed for:
adults and children over the age of 6 who are unbaptized
those who were baptized as infants in the Catholic faith but have little or no formation within the Church or have never prepared for the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist
individuals baptized in another Christian tradition who find this process helpful in their discernment of becoming Roman Catholic and in their preparation for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and Eucharist.
Sessions are most often held in a group setting and provide support for individuals to discuss faith, ask questions and pray. The OCIA meets on Wednesday evenings at 6pm and attends Mass on Sunday. Inquirers will have the opportunity to observe and take part in parish events and prepare for the sacraments of initiation, Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist and full communion in the Catholic Church.
Please contact the Office of Christian Faith Formation and ask for Linda Steinmiller or Sandy Stasi: Phone 410-822-6581 or Email [email protected].