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September 21, 2021 2025-02-21 17:32Confirmation
About Confirmation
Confirmation is an amazing and important sacrament. Teens choosing to receive the sacrament come willingly to and live in hopeful expectation of encounter with God the Father, Jesus Christ His Son, and the Spirit of God - the Advocate.
Confirmation is received in the 9th Grade at Saints Peter and Paul Parish. The diocese requires a minimum of two consecutive years of formation prior to reception of Confirmation.
If you freely decide to live as God's child and ask for God's Spirit, you will receive strength to witness to his love when the Bishop lays his hands on you and anoints you with Chrism. You will be a fully-fledged member of the Church, with all the responsibilities that go with it. (cf. YouCat 203)
Expectations of You
- Honesty, Kindness and Respectfulness
- Faithful Observance of Holy Mass on Sundays and Feast Days
- Service to Church and the Greater Community
- Building Your Personal Faith Knowledge
- Paying Attention to and Nurturing Your Relationship with God in Prayer
Baptized Catholic youth can prepare and receive the Sacrament of Confirmation during the Ninth Grade. This is the intentional preparation that follows the curriculum-based preparation experienced in Seventh and Eighth Grade Catholic School or Parish Sunday School. The basic requirements are:
Baptized and able to renew baptismal promises.
Are open to receiving the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Have received their First Communion.,
Active participant in Sunday Liturgy, meaning attends Sunday Mass each week and strives to live the sacramental life of the Church.
Are willing to commit to active involvement in the parish Confirmation preparation process, committing to the calendar as put forth by the parish.
Are willing to continue to grow in faith following Confirmation and throughout their lifetime.
Sponsors represent in a personal way the witness and support of the parish community. Opportunities for catechesis should be offered to the sponsors in order to assist them in fully understanding their role in the ongoing formation of the candidate.
To be a Sponsor, you must meet the following requirements: It is appropriate that the sponsor be the baptismal sponsor (god-parent) if that is possible. If that is not possible, the sponsor may be selected by the candidate with the help of their parent(s) and/or the parish community. Please note, parents may not be sponsors of their children.
- Be at least 16 years of age
- Be practicing Catholics.
- Have received all of the sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist) and if married, married in the catholic church.
- Be someone that the candidate can identify with in terms of Christian living.
- Be someone who can share the faith journey of the candidate.
- Assist in all aspects of the candidates' preparation and celebration of the sacrament, accompany their candidates to celebrate the sacrament, and continue to support the candidates to fulfill their baptismal promises faithfully under the influence of the Holy Spirit after the reception of the sacrament.